struct_with_invariants!() { /* proc-macro */ }
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Macro to help set up boilerplate for specifying invariants when using invariant-based datatypes.

This currently supports the AtomicInvariant and LocalInvariant types, as well as all the atomic_ghost types (e.g., AtomicU64, AtomicBool, and so on). It is important to first understand how these types work. In particular, LocalInvariant (for example) takes three type parameters, K, V, and Pred: InvariantPredicate. The InvariantPredicate trait lets the user specify an invariant at the static type level, while K allows the user to configure the invariant upon construction. AtomicInvariant uses the same system, and the atomic_ghost types are similar but use a different trait (AtomicInvariantPredicate).

However, setting all this up in a typical application tends to involve a bit of boilerplate. That’s where this macro comes in.


The struct_with_invariants! macro is used at the item level, and it should contains a single struct declaration followed by a single declaration of a spec function returning bool. However, this spec function should not contain a boolean predicate as usual, but instead a series of invariant declarations. Each invariant declaration applies to a single field of the struct.

    (pub)? struct $struct_name (<...>)? (where ...)? {
        ( (pub)? $field_name: $type, )*

    (pub)? (open|closed)? spec fn(&self (, ...)?) $fn_name {
        ( InvariantDecl | BoolPredicateDecl )*

A field of the struct, if it uses a supported type, may leave the type incomplete by omitting some of its type parameters. The following are valid incomplete types:

  • LocalInvariant<_, V, _>
  • AtomicInvariant<_, V, _>
  • AtomicBool<_, G, _>
  • AtomicU64<_, G, _>
    • … and so on for the other atomic_ghost types.

There must be exactly one invariant declaration for each incomplete type used in the struct declaration. The macro uses invariant declarations to fill in the type parameters.

The user can also provide boolean predicate declarations, which are copied verbatim into the $fn_name definition. This is a convenience, since it is common to want to add extra conditions, and it is fairly straightforward. The complex part of the macro expansion in the invariant declarations.

BoolPredicateDecl  :=  predicate { $bool_expr }

InvariantDecl  :=
    invariant on $field_name
        ( with ($dependencies) )?
        ( forall | ($ident: $type, )* | )?
        ( where ($where_expr) )?
        ( specifically ($specifically_expr) )?
        is ($params) {

In the InvariantDecl, the user always needs to provide the following data:

  • The $field_name is the field that this invariant applies to (which must have an incomplete type as described above)
  • The $params are the values constrained by the invariant.
    • For a LocalInvariant<V> or AtomicInvariant<V>, this should be a single parameter of type V.
    • For an atomic_ghost type, this should consist of two parameters, first the primitive type stored by the atomic, and secondly one of the ghost type, G. (For example, the type AtomicBool<_, G, _> should have two parameters here, b: bool, g: G.)
  • Finally, the $bool_expr is the invariant predicate, which may reference any of the fields declared in $dependencies, or any of the params.

The other input clauses handle additional complexities that often comes up. For example, it is often necessary for the invariant to refer to the values of other fields in the struct.

  • The with input gives the list of field names (other fields from the struct definition) that may be referenced from the body of this invariant. The graph of dependencies across all fields must be acyclic.

Finally, when the field is a container type, e.g., vec: Vec<AtomicU64<_, G, _>> or opt: Option<AtomicU64<_, G, _>>, there are some additional complexities. We might need the invariant to be conditional (e.g., for an optional, the invariant would only exist if opt.is_Some()). We might need to quantify over a variable (e.g., in a vector, we want to specify an invariant for each element, element i where 0 <= i < vec.len()). Finally, we need to indicate the value actually getting the invariant (e.g., self.vec[i]).

  • The forall lets you specify additional bound variables. Everything after the forall—the where, the specifically, and finally the $bool_expr$—can all reference these bound variables.
  • The where lets you specify an additional hypothesis that the invariant is dependent on.
  • The specifically lets you indicate the value getting the invariant.

This all roughly means, “forall instantiations of the quantified variables, if the condition $where_expr holds, then the value given by $specifically_expr has the invariant given by $bool_expr. See the detailed information on the macro-expansion below for more details.

Given all the information from the InvariantDecl, the macro fills in the _ placeholders as follows:

  • The macro fills in the K type as the types of the fields marked as dependencies and the quantified variables in the forall (packing all these types into a tuple if necessary).
  • The macro fills in the Pred type by creating a new type and implementing the appropriate trait with the user-provided predicate.

Example (TODO)

Example using a container type (TODO)

Macro Expansion (TODO)