macro_rules! assert_seqs_equal {
    [$($tail:tt)*] => { ... };
Expand description

Prove two sequences s1 and s2 are equal by proving that their elements are equal at each index.

More precisely, assert_seqs_equal! requires:

  • s1 and s2 have the same length (s1.len() == s2.len()), and
  • for all i in the range 0 <= i < s1.len(), we have s1[i] == s2[i].

The property that equality follows from these facts is often called extensionality.

assert_seqs_equal! can handle many trivial-looking identities without any additional help:

proof fn subrange_concat(s: Seq<u64>, i: int) {
        0 <= i && i <= s.len(),

    let t1 = s.subrange(0, i);
    let t2 = s.subrange(i, s.len());
    let t = t1.add(t2);

    assert_seqs_equal!(s == t);

    assert(s == t);

In more complex cases, a proof may be required for the equality of each element pair. For example,

proof fn bitvector_seqs() {
    let s = Seq::<u64>::new(5, |i| i as u64);
    let t = Seq::<u64>::new(5, |i| i as u64 | 0);

    assert_seqs_equal!(s == t, i => {
        // Need to show that s[i] == t[i]
        // Prove that the elements are equal by appealing to a bitvector solver:
        let j = i as u64;
        assert_bit_vector(j | 0 == j);
        assert(s[i] == t[i]);